

2590 Uppsatser om Garbage-can modellen - Sida 1 av 173

Elektroniskt kungörande av författningar ? en IT-politisk lösning ur ett användarperspektiv

This essay analyses the arguments of The Swedish Government Official Report 2008:88 which proposes that the Swedish law (SFS) should shift from promulgation in print to elec-tronic promulgation on a Website. I have studied two aspects of the arguments in the text. On the one hand, the Inquiry?s description of how things might become if their proposal becomes effectuated and, on the other hand, how the present situation is described in the text. The theory I have used is called A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice, which pictures organizations as often irrational in dealing with problems, solutions and decision making.

Flöden över Öresund En studie av beslutsprocessen som ledde fram till ett samarbete mellan Lunds och Frederiksbergs kommun

Denna uppsats söker förstå beslutsprocessen som resulterade i att Lunds och Frederiksbergs kommun fattade beslutet om att samarbeta. Beslutsprocessen resulterade i ett informellt samarbete, och söks förstås med hjälp av Cohen, March och Olsens Garbage Can-modell, och Kingdons window of opportuntity (möjlighetsfönster). Garbage Can-modellen består av fyra flöden, som innehåller beslutstillfällen, problem, lösningar och deltagare. Dessa flöden kan kopplas samman då möjlighetsfönster uppstår, vilket sker vid opinions- eller känsloförändringar bland befolkning och politiker.Vi har kommit fram till att beslutsprocessen bör förstås som att lösningen informellt samarbete mellan Lund och Frederiksberg, kopplades till problem relaterade till att vilja vara en del av Öresundsregionen, och beslutstillfällen såsom Öresundskommittén. Deltagare drev lösningarna och identifierade problemen.

Making Money in a Dirty Business

Academic research concerning how to determine the power situation in a supply chain where an investment product supplier is involved did not exist. Therefore new models has been developed that analyses the power relations and maps out the power situation in a supply chain. In the future these models can be applied on similar cases by modifying the included parameters. The new models show that case company FAS should focus on the big producers of garbage bag which are Trioplast, Rullpack and Miljösäck. By strengthen the brand FAS can make more money in these relations.

Generationsskräpsamling med explicit kontroll av hårdvarucache

This report evaluates whether an interpreted high-level garbage collected language has enough information about its memory behaviour to make better cache decisions than modern general CPU hardware.With a generational garbage collector, depending on promotion algorithm and generation size, around 90% of all objects never leave the first generation. This report is based on the hypothesis that, because of the low promotion rate, accesses to higher generations are sufficiently rare not to benefit from caching.To test this hypothesis, we built an operating system with a Scheme interpreter in kernel mode, where the interpreter controls the cache. Generic x86 PC hardware was used, since it allows fine-grained control of cache decisions.Measurements of execution time in this interpreter show that disabling the cache for generations higher than the first does not give any performance gain, but rather a performance loss of up to 50%.We conclude that this interpreter design is not an improvement, but cannot conclude that the hypothesis is false in general. We suggest building a better CPU simulator to gather more data from which to make better caching decisions, moving internal interpreter data structures into the garbage collected heap and modifying the hardware to allow control in the currently rigid dimension of where data is cached---for example separate control of instruction and data caches and separate data caches for different areas of memory..

Making Money in a Dirty Business

Academic research concerning how to determine the power situation in a supply chain where an investment product supplier is involved did not exist. Therefore new models has been developed that analyses the power relations and maps out the power situation in a supply chain. In the future these models can be applied on similar cases by modifying the included parameters. The new models show that case company FAS should focus on the big producers of garbage bag which are Trioplast, Rullpack and Miljösäck. By strengthen the brand FAS can make more money in these relations.

Målgruppsanpassad sopsorteringsinformation till nysvenska hyresgäster i Eskilstuna

In this thesis I have investigated four housing corporation?s information about garbage disposal for their tenants (primarily immigrants who just arrived to Sweden).   Interviews with renters, employees of the housing corporations and employees of Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö indicates that the garbage information need to be improved to be better adapted to the target group.    To solve this information problem I decided to create an information chart, consisting of illustrations and legible text which informs the renters of how and, above all why it is important to recycle.   The aim of the project is also to increase the renters? commitment and motivation in recycling and also; make the housing corporations, other organizations and authorities aware of how important it is to adapt information to different kind of groups. The aim in Information Design is always to work from the needs of the recipients..

Läs- och skrivinlärning med hjälp av Umeå-modellen. För- och nackdelar

Syftet med vår studie var att ta reda på hur arbetet går till med Umeå-modellen som läs- och skrivinlärningsmodell samt vad olika lärare anser vara modellens för- och nackdelar.  För att ta reda på olika lärares åsikter om Umeå-modellen intervjuade vi åtta yrkesverksamma lärare varav fyra som arbetar med modellen, fyra som inte arbetar med den samt en läs- och skrivmentor. Vårt resultat visade att de som använder Umeå-modellen arbetar noggrant efter den och ser många fördelar med modellen. De som däremot inte använder Umeå-modellen har svårare att se fördelar med modellen och använder sig i stället av delar av olika ljudenliga läs- och skrivinlärningsmodeller. Nackdelar som framkom var att Umeå-modellen är för strikt, det krävs gedigen utbildning samt att det saknas läromedel.  .

E-böcker och bibliotek. En diskussion kring den digitala beståndsutvecklingens möte med en gryende e-boksmarknad

In Scandinavia the general idea of the Bronze Age society is that it was organised as chiefdoms. The model for what they looked like is taken from the anthropological studies of the Polynesian chiefdoms. The aim of my study is to investigate a Scandinavian Bronze Age feature, known as cairns mainly containing fire-cracked stone. This is compared with how people in different Polynesian chiefdoms, looked at similar remain. This is done to get a background for new ways of interpretation of such remains.

Heliga sopor : skärvstenshögen utifrån ett polynesiskt perspektiv

In Scandinavia the general idea of the Bronze Age society is that it was organised as chiefdoms. The model for what they looked like is taken from the anthropological studies of the Polynesian chiefdoms. The aim of my study is to investigate a Scandinavian Bronze Age feature, known as cairns mainly containing fire-cracked stone. This is compared with how people in different Polynesian chiefdoms, looked at similar remain. This is done to get a background for new ways of interpretation of such remains.

En kvantitativ undersökning av SABR-modellen

För att prissätta optioner är val av modell en viktig fråga. I denna kandidatuppsatsbeskrivs både Black & Scholes modell och SABR-modellen. Förstnämnda modell ärenklare än SABR-modellen men bygger på antaganden som inte stämmer överens medverkligheten. Den ger heller inte någon explicit formel för den implicita volatilitetenoch predikterar inte heller på ett korrekt sätt fenomenet volatility smile vilketobserveras på marknaden.Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera prestandan hos SABR-modellen ochanvändarvänligheten, samt att undersöka lite av teorin bakom modellen och vissa avdess egenskaper. Till grund för beräkningarna ligger datamaterial hämtat från NasdaqOMX Nordic.Enligt mina beräkningar är resultatet att SABR-modellen endast presterar marginelltbättre än Black & Scholes-modellen.

Uppvärmning och miljöpåverkan : -en jämförelse mellan fjärrvärme och bergvärme i villa

Many of todays studies show that district heating is one of the betteralternatives as heating source because of its low environmental load.The energy source is often leftovers from other processes producing energy or waste, like garbage or chips.Electricity in combination with geothermal heating is another heating system that has increased sharply during the last years, and also this system decreases the discharges that have negative affectson the environment compared to several other heating methods.This report aims to, concentrated towards these two different heating systems, estimate the amounts of discharges they indirect cause and how the environment is affected.We have calculated the mean value for discharges of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide and dust generated from electrical power used in Sweden.Through interviews and research we have gained data for the same substances that district heating based on combustion of garbage and biofuel generates.We have also in cooperation with a housing company chosen a building we see representative for many of the new single-family houses built in Sweden today.Based on its shape and appearance we theoretically created three alternatives of the same house, each of them with climate screens different from each other.Together with the amounts of discharged environmental affecting substances, these houses were the base for our calculations and studies when investigating the different heating sources environmental effect.The results have thereafter been analyzed and discussed from different angles..

Beslutsprocesser och informationshantering ? en fallstudie inom en högskoleorganisation

The purpose of this thesis, was to study decision processes and the importance of information management in the processes within an academic organisation, which led to the work with adaptions according to the law of Equal Treatment of Students in Higher Education, (SFS 2001:1286). A general question was formulated concerning how different information- and knowledge flows interact within an academic organisation and its library during the decision processes. The questions at issue we have tried to examine, concern the factors that have influenced the participants´ choice of information during the decision processes, in their work of adapting the law of equal treatment, and how these choices have influenced the priorities that were made. The theoretical starting point was basically Cohen, March and Olsens Garbage Can Model. We also found the author Chun Wei Choo´s descriptions of organisations, as systems of information processing, useful for parts of our thesis, especially the parts that deals with the role of information management within the decision processes.

Politiska beslutsprocesser som reformer -Exemplet Skånsk Livskraft

Arbetet syftar till att förstå en fundamental offentlig reformprocess, och fokus ligger på den politiska beslutsprocessen bakom förändringen av sjukvården i Region Skåne. Vi gör en kvalitativ fallstudie av projektet Skånsk Livskraft, och genomför intervjuer med potentiellt inflytelserika politiker och tjänstemän. Den teoretiska tolkningsramen utgörs framförallt av Institutionell teori samt Garbage Can.Tidsperspektivet visar hur tidigare misslyckade reformer möjliggjort tillblivelsen av Skånsk Livskraft. Vidare har arbetssättet, med stark yrkesmässig förankring, gett tjänstemännen en inflytelserik roll. Enigheten över blockgränserna vid budgetförhandlingen 2001 var en förutsättning för att projektet skulle kunna konkretiseras.

Skenande statskollaps; Fred bortom räckhåll? - En fallstudie av FN:s insatser i Kongo-Kinshasa

I över 50 år har Kongo-Kinshasa varit utsatt for krig, och landet präglas idag av en skenande statskollaps. Vi har utkristalliserat tre fundamentala orsaker till konflikten som anses relevanta i samband med vår frågestallning, vilken behandlar FN-styrkan MONUC: s insatser i landet. Maktspel över Kongos enorma naturtillgångar, politisk problematik och etniska skiljelinjer är grunden till såväl konflikten som landets politiska instabilitet. FN-styrkan, som är en av de största i sitt slag och har befunnit sig i landet sedan år 2000, arbetar mot fredsbevarande och fredsfrämjande mål vilka ofta fokuserat på att mildra den humanitära katastrof som råder. Granskning har genomförts av MONUC: s arbete i att vara behjälpliga till att motverka de viktigaste källorna till konflikten.

Specialpedagogik i en annorlunda miljö : En studie om en handikappskola i en av Kairos sopstäder

In one of six garbage collectors area in Cairo, Esbet el Nakhl, there's a handicap school run by the Coptic church. We chose to study this school using observations and interviews. The purpose of our thesis has been to describe the school, the goals of the education and the educational forms. The questions we asked our selves before the trip to Cairo were; how does the school look like? What's a garbage collectors area? How do the teachers educate the children? How's the situation for the handicapped children?We spent six days of observations and interviews at the school gathering information for the thesis.

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